What it's REALLY like doing up a house & the photos bloggers don't show
Our grantastic to fantastic house renovation hit a new rock bottom last week.
Our budget spreadsheet told me we'd hit £10,000 on outgoings doing up the house so far, yet when I look around the place looks worse than when we moved in.
There's dust EVERYWHERE.
All of the walls have been battered up to fish out electric cables.
There's zero storage for our stuff.
It's a mess. But it's the reality of what we (and anyone else that buys into a renovation project) sign up to.
I hope that this time next year we'll be looking back at these photos in disbelief.
Plug sockets being moved throughout the house
Yes, this is our bedroom *cries*
Got rid of that disgusting master bedroom carpet, hooray!
The world's most uninspiring office
Starting to get really cold without the radiators fixed :(
Living room furniture is all moved to the centre of the room for radiator installation/wall paper stripping
Been wearing the same pyjamas decorating the house for the past 3 weeks haha
New front door being sanded and painted in our dining room
Like me, you're probably wondering – what the hell did you spend 10K on when it looks as crap as this?
It doesn't feel like we've got a lot done. It may look like we're stepping backwards. But when I list out everything we've paid out for, it's actually A LOT of progress made.
New Worcester Boiler & Radiators
Electrical rewire throughout the house & survey
Drains and gutters all been repaired
Side of the building all pointed
New fire surround (not fitted yet)
New hearth (not fitted yet)
Deposit paid on our chimney breast being opened up for a wood burner
Various roof tiles replaced
New front door & fitting (UPDATE: you can now read about our 1930s front door)
Wall ties all fixed
Upper bay window strapping fixed
So as you can probably tell, everything that was flagged in our original survey has now been seen to, plus we made huge progress getting the heating all plumbed in within the 10K we spent.
On the radar next week:
new hearth being laid
wood burner is arriving
there's a felt roof on the back of the house that's being replaced
lots of quotes coming in to lay flooring
and a heap load more hoovering...
Deep breaths. It'll be complete soon. And THEN it's on to the big kitchen/diner/sunroom renovation. Can't wait.
Read about our renovation
Find out how the rest of our renovation went!